Sunday, May 31, 2009

A ball changed fate of village

This is the story of India and it’s people। At the border of Uttar Pradesh, most populous state of India, and Madhya Pradesh, a small village merely has significance in more than one billion populations. But this village by name Bhartia (Lalitpur district) becomes famous for passion of a game. In the village a temple was bone of contention between two caste groups, Thakur’s and Yadav’s. Three times people clashed for the temple. The temple was closed but a game changed the fate of village. Kids of whole village got their love in cricket. They started playing with each other and in 2006 they organized their own team. In 2007 Ram Cricket Kilb (they wrote club as kilb) played first match with neighboring village. After winning one tournament within six month kids from both the rival families become friend. And they worship in the temple together. This incidence was a milestone in the process of peace in the village. After one year gradualy families reached on a resolution and panchayat set different timing for worship. Now, there is no incidence of quarrel in the village since one and half year.
(Caption: team member of Ram Cricket Club and a boy playing in the grazing field)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great story but we cannot try it with Pakistan now, what you think?



Mass Oriented Research and Social Elevation Lab (MORSEL) came into existence on June 16, 2007 as a registered society under Registration Act, 1860. MORSEL has its head office in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is a not for profit organization that provides logistic and research support to academic research in social science. Though the company was formally established in 2007, the MORSEL team has been active in the research and data collection for last three years.MORSEL’s main forte is its ability of collecting large scale primary data as well as secondary data from various government agencies. It has a professional team of experienced researchers who are adept in planning surveys, estimating sample sizes, designing questionnaires and providing support for the pilot.